
Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.

- Hans Selye

We consult former employees to new jobs through the transition of downsizing or re-structuring and help them re-adopt to the job market. Depending on the organizational needs, we offer practical advice and psychological support through individual one-on-one sessions or in a group format. Our outplacement process has four phases in general, but each of these steps can be modified, enhanced, and/or eliminated based on our candidate’s strategic business needs and objectives. Rather than job searching, we offer:

  • Identifying and understanding our candidate’s style, business needs and requirements including the self-employment option
  • Developing targeted career strategy
  • Performing career assessments & self-appraisal techniques
  • Implementing psychometric assessments & evaluations
  • Mentoring CV preparation and cover letters and identify references
  • Improving interview skills including mock interviews & preparing mentally for an interview
  • Developing a self-marketing plan with measurable objectives
  • Explaining in detail how the traditional recruitment market operates and advising on how to use personal contacts, job boards, websites and recruitment agencies
  • Outlining the most effective routes into local and national companies
  • Explaining the current job market and informing macroeconomic and microeconomic advancements
  • Advising on how to build online profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and company websites and join relevant online groups, discussions.
  • Getting in contact with targeted companies and contacts & sharing resume
  • Considering interview requests and lay the groundwork
  • Preparing after-interview review
  • Evaluating offers, consultant’s opinion, suggestions, and negotiation techniques
  • Providing on-going support for a period of six months through “Executive Coaching” approach


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